Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mind Control

What I have noticed over the last twenty or so years of my life has been a creeping into our society of a very invasive trend know as 'Political Correctness'. "PC", as it is commonly referred to, is a very dangerous thing to unleash on a society that both prides itself and exists on ideas like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other basic inalienable rights. If you ask me, the whole PC movement is a quietly disguised way of sewing the seeds of communism into the very fabric of our society.
Now, before you go all off and get your panties in a bunch, I didn't say that anyone is a communist! What I am more or less implying is that trying to get everyone to think the same way, conform to the same ideas, and speak the same is merely a means of paving the way for something like the idea of communism. America was founded on individual freedoms, and any attempt to limit, regulate, or control individual thought is so against the American grain that still keeps me up at night wondering how it ever got started in the first place.
When I first encountered the beginnings of the PC tidal wave, it was presented in the form of jokes. Back in the day when email was just getting started in the mainstream workplace and people started emailing jokes to their circle of contacts, one theme that came up over and over again was Political Correctness. Then after a while, it was increasingly becoming commonplace for people to start correcting the speech of others in lunch rooms, or at the water cooler by stating that something they said wasn't "politically correct". Once it went from being a joke to the point where people were actually adopting it into their daily lives everything changed. It was the birth of the ‘Thought Police’ and would end up taking over nearly every public venue it came in contact with. Come to think of it - it was during the Clinton administration that PC became popular, and seemed to mirror the whole "apologize to everyone for everything" mantra that permeates the Democratic Party to this day. I also firmly believe that PC is being used and manipulated in an effort to hold "White" people accountable for everything that's wrong with the world these days. It is this aspect of the PC movement that angers and irritates me more than anything else - especially given the fact that those in the PC world claim that its goal is to prevent people from being offended by so-called insensitive or offensive language and ideas. Think I'm making this up? Then how do you explain the existence of television channels like BET (Black Entertainment Television) and Black Starz (a member of the Starz movie channel family)? Do you honestly believe that it would even be possible for someone to launch a television channel called WET (White Entertainment Television) in America today? We all know damn well that if someone ever tried it would immediately be designated as racist, insensitive, offensive, and just plain appalling. Don't get me wrong here - I personally have no problem with these television channels, and I am not a white supremacist or a member of the KKK or anything, I'm merely pointing out an absolutely indisputable truth regarding the ridiculous notion of Political Correctness.Bottom line? Political Correctness is nothing but a bunch of bullshit, and should never be adopted as a standard for anything or any purpose. Anyone who ever tells you that something you said is wrong because it violates some PC rule should be told to shut the hell up and immediately ordered to the nearest copy of the Bill of Rights so they can familiarize themselves with the 1st Amendment - you know, the one that guarantees each of us the right to free speech?


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