Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Multicultural Nonsense

One of the real stinkers forced on us by the PC world is what some have termed the "cult of multiculturalism". I'm talking about the whole 'celebrate diversity' movement that’s been infesting society in recent years. The whole platform is nothing but another way for PC morons to blame Whitey for the woes of the world. Whenever I hear people spouting this one the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my heart rate slowly starts to rise.
When I was a kid I used to hear people refer to America as "the melting pot" all the time. It was described to us by our teachers, my dad used to explain it from time to time, and I used to hear it in movies and on television. What they were talking about was that fact that one of the things that makes America a great country is the fact that our society is made up of people from all walks of life. If you looked across this country you would eventually find someone who is either from, or has ancestry originating from nearly every country in the world. It is our very soul as a nation and arguably one of the single most important ingredients of our success. It’s like the best vegetable soup you've ever had in your life, but if you take away just one ingredient, the whole flavor changes and the soup no longer as good. We are who we are because of the diversity of our people, and ultimately, it is the joining together and cooperation as individuals that create the whole. Like every other country has done in the history of mankind, we have strived to form our national identity and put our best foot forward in the world.
I grew up being proud to be an American. For whatever reason I knew from an early age that something was different about my country. I was aware that I had it better than most when it came to things like quality of life and the incredible opportunities that were open before me. I didn't come from a wealthy family, I didn't go to an Ivy League college or belong to a country club, but I knew that with drive and determination I could accomplish anything. I joined the United States Air Force and served my country for many reasons, but chief among them was a wanting to give something back to the country of my birth for all that it has afforded me. The biggest asset to my 6 years in the military was travel, which gave me the chance to visit more than eleven countries, and experienced many diverse cultures around the world. It was like a huge classroom where I learned more about my fellow man than most people ever will, but more importantly, I gained even more respect for my own country.
As I said earlier I am proud to be an American. The home countries of my ancestors are important to me, as is their history, but I was born in the United States - which makes me an American. My heritage means a lot and I am proud of it, but at the end of the day my loyalties lie with the country of my birth, just as I would imagine my ancestors were proud of theirs. This is what kills me whenever I see people self-segregating themselves into hyphenated Americans. As I mentioned, my ancestors came here from Ireland so some would classify me as an Irish-American, which is a concept that I personally refuse to conform to. I was born in America - therefore I am an American. I may be an American of Irish decent, but I am an American by birth. When I hear people referring to themselves as African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Mexican-Americans, etc. it tells me that they are more proud of the heritage of their ancestors than that of their own country, and personally, I find that offensive.
This is where the celebrate diversity crap comes into play. This movement, as its parent Political Correctness did before it, has infiltrated both government and corporate culture all over the country. The basic idea is that each and every person should be singled out for their individual cultural heritage and then the rest of us are required to celebrate it. I'm not sure how exactly we are supposed to 'celebrate' as I have yet to get that memo, but I'm sure it has something to do eating turkey, exchanging presents, and/or hiding various incarnations of avian embryonic casings under the living room sofa. Its not that I have anything against people being knowledgeable and/or proud of their heritage or anything, I just don't like being forced or coerced into "celebrating" along with them. I wouldn't expect anyone else to be proud of my heritage any more than I would expect them to be proud of oh, my mulch pile, so why should I be expected to be proud of theirs?
Another reason for my total disdain for this bulls**t is because it's selective, exclusive, arrogant, and pathetically pretentious. You see, whenever I'm asked to provide my ethnic information on paperwork my choices are limited to White or Caucasian. Now, the last time I checked, white is a color - not an ethnicity. I also can't seem to find any place called Whiteland, Whiteistan, United Republic of Whiteness, or any other combination that would denote 'white' as an ethnic origin on any map. As for Caucasian, that is a generalized reference to the Caucuses, which was basically the area from southern Russia south to Turkey. Now the last time I checked Ireland doesn't remotely fit that description, so I can't be a Caucasian either.
The point I'm trying to make here is that in the middle of this multicultural fever, people like me are all wrapped up into one simple package, stripping us of our cultural histories, ethnic backgrounds, or anything else that might truly identify our roots. Its as if we have no right to our identities or cultural origins and are just thrown into a bin labeled 'White', and all the while we are expected - or demanded to "celebrate" everyone else's 'diversity'.
People are quick to blame the White race with conquering the whole world, but the truth of the matter is that war, conquests, genocide, slavery, and a host of other atrocities have taken place throughout all of Human history. Lumping together a wide range of individual cultures - each unique and special in their own right - under one identity with the goal of hanging the blame on them for every bit of 'bad history' is not only unfair, but in my opinion, a rather racist and insensitive thing to do.


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