Use Your Turn Signals
This Article was printed in the Arizona Republic as a 'Your Turn' column dated 8/30/01. It was a rant designed to get the attention of the less-than-average driver on our Arizona freeways...

Every car that is manufactured in this country (and those from every other automobile producing country on this planet) comes with indicator lights on all four corners of the vehicle at the very least. A small unobtrusive lever conveniently located to the side of every steering wheel activates these indicator lights. When the driver's hands are placed properly on the wheel, this lever requires little more than a slight movement of a few fingers to initiate this invaluable safety feature.
One of the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of driving a car is to use these indicators for the sole purpose of informing other drivers of your intentions ‑ a simple matter of safety. Letting other drivers know what you plan to do before you do it is part of what makes the difference between a safe, courteous driver and a dangerous, inconsiderate one.
Every day as I drive the 101 to and from work, I witness the majority of drivers changing lanes and exiting/entering the freeway without using their turn signals. I don't know how many times I have activated my turn signal, checked my blind spot and begun to initiate a lane change only to have some moron leap from their lane and thrust themselves into the spot I planned to occupy ‑ all without indicating their intentions. I, of course, end up yanking the wheel in a frantic effort to get back to the safety of my previous spot before I end up colliding with rocket‑boy (or rocket‑girl let's be fair!).
Nothing infuriates me more. These people drive as if they were the only ones on the road, and genuinely seem to care less whose lives they put in danger simply because they are too lazy, inconsiderate and self‑centered to use a turn signal. With their convenient location and simplicity to activate, one has to wonder what is so difficult about using turn signals when traffic in this area is so congested and dangerous to begin with. Not to mention the fact that the law requires you to use your turn signals regardless of whether it cramps your personal style. What, if anything, goes through the minds of these scofflaws?
Next you have to ask the inevitable question of "what about the children?" What type of example are these drivers setting for their kids? With everyone complaining all the time about the dangers that children face on a daily basis in this country, how can we justify loading them up in the car and tearing around town without any concern for their safety? I can't count the number of times that I have been unceremoniously cut off by some bat out of heck in a minivan or SUV loaded with kids who doesn't care enough about their children's safety to indicate their intentions to other drivers. Making some attempt to obey the posted speed limit and actually stopping for stop signs would be nice as well. These people should be ashamed of themselves at the very least for exhibiting such poor behavior and conducting themselves without a shred of common courtesy.
Wise up, Arizona drivers. You may not care one iota about your own safety, but if you can't take a moment to be considerate of mine ‑or that of your own children ‑ then do us all a favor and park your car, throw away the keys and take a bus.
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